How to Customize and Share Your Contribution Form

Your Raise The Money Dashboard is the fundraising hub of your campaign! Customizing your contribution form, keeping track of your funds, downloading finance reports–these are just a few of the things you can do in your Dashboard. If you haven’t already, make sure you’re taking full advantage of all these features and more by signing into your Raise The Money Dashboard.

If you’ve just signed into your Dashboard for the first time, the first thing you’ll want to do is customize your Contribution Form. Maybe you want to add graphics or a slogan, add or remove field options, or customize the email receipt your donors will receive. All of this can be done in one place!

After customizing your Contribution Form, you’re ready to place it on your campaign’s website and share it with as many potential donors as possible. Luckily, there are multiple ways to share your Contribution Form. We’ll show you a few of them below.

Step-By-Step: How to  Customize Your Contribution Form

  1.  From the menu on the left, click “Contribution Form.”
  2. Once on the Contribution Form Page, click “Customize Form” in the top right corner. 
  3. Once on the Customize Form Page, you will see 5 tabs, labeled as follows: “Contributions,” “Terms,” “Design,” “Content,” and “Email.” 
  4. If you want to view your Contribution Form as you make customize it, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Popup Preview” to view it at any time.
  5.  After each tab has been customized to your liking, scroll to the      bottom of the page and click “Save and Complete,” so that your changes are saved.


Step-By-Step: How to Access Your Contribution Form Link

The Secure Link to your Contribution Form is a standalone link that will take supporters directly to your Contribution Form to give. Text it out, pin it in a post to your social media pages, or share it any other way you like.
  1. Your Contribution Form Link is always visible in your Dashboard and remains anchored at the top of the page–regardless of what page you’re on. That’s one quick and easy way to access it.  However you can also find it by navigating to the “Contribution Form” page.
  2. From the menu on the left, click “Contribution Form.”
  3. On this page you’ll find your Contribution Form Link under “Link to Secure Contribution Form.” 


Step-By-Step: How to Access Your Contribution Form Embed Code

Embedding your Contribution Form on any site will require you to have an Embed Code. Your Contribution Form Embed Code can be found on the same page as your Contribution Form Link.
  1. From the menu on the left, click “Contribution Form.”
  2. Scroll down until you see “Website Embed Code.”
  3. To place this code on your site or send it to someone, simply highlight the entire code within the box and copy it.


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