All of the features associated with your Raise The Money are designed to make your campaign experience as stress-free as possible. Taking the headache out of campaigning might actually make it fun (just kidding). But, what about when your campaign is over? Our service doesn’t end there.
Did you know we give campaigns the ability to temporarily disable their account? You will still have access to all important fundraising data needed to file reports, keep in touch with your email lists, and review previous campaign strategies for inspiration. The most important part: once your account is deactivated, all active recurring payment plans are automatically cancelled. This means you don’t have to worry about charge-backs or refunding donors.
For example, our customer support team deals with several such issues weekly: the campaign must refund a donor who had been donating for months after the campaign ended, making reporting to the FEC a headache. This feature also builds confidence in your donors, who will be more likely to give again knowing you are responsible and accountable with their money.
Even better—you can easily reactivate your account when you are ready to accept donations again with the click of a button:

No need to create a new account from scratch. Your campaign can build a database of donors and utilize this list each year to effectively garner support from your most loyal donors.