What is a Vote Worth?
With billions spent during contemporary presidential election cycles, one question that often surfaces is how much a single vote is worth. The answer seems …
With billions spent during contemporary presidential election cycles, one question that often surfaces is how much a single vote is worth. The answer seems …
The U.S. Presidency has no income requirement, at least not on paper. But in reality, your run-of-the-mill presidential candidate is a multi-millionaire. This year, …
Check out the feature written about RaiseTheMoney.com in Arkansas Money & Politics new February/March 2016 issue! Click here to see the article.
The most raucous caucus in all the land is underway today, and the media is devouring every morsel of detail in an effort to …
Today, for all the wrong reasons, American politics reached a milestone. Of course the event surrounds our favorite shock candidate. But there is nothing …
With Super PACs out there raising and spending millions in the name of democracy, what’s the value of the little guy, the micro donor, …
Money and politics have been together a long time. Campaigns and campaign finance have been a part of American politics since before there was …
Another election year is officially here, and so is another avalanche of colossal numbers. It’s easy to get the impression that out there, somewhere, …
Politicians talk a lot. It comes with the territory. Politicians ask for things and thank people for things. But in this endless process of …