FEC Penalties for Noncompliance
Fundraising is as much a part of politics as oxygen is a part of deep-sea diving, which is to say that without it, you …
Fundraising is as much a part of politics as oxygen is a part of deep-sea diving, which is to say that without it, you …
We are so thankful you have chosen RaiseTheMoney.com (RTM) to accept and manage your online contributions for your political campaign, PAC or committee. Below, …
When it comes to campaign contributions, every state is different. Everyone knows that battleground or swing states draw the largest contributions, but what about …
Election-year budget figures can seem absolutely mind-boggling to the average American voter. The thought of billion-dollar campaigns, especially during times of economic downturn, seems …
If Iowa was a skirmish, then New Hampshire was a battle. Wait, not battle. Massacre. New Hampshire was a massacre. The short version goes …
With billions spent during contemporary presidential election cycles, one question that often surfaces is how much a single vote is worth. The answer seems …
The U.S. Presidency has no income requirement, at least not on paper. But in reality, your run-of-the-mill presidential candidate is a multi-millionaire. This year, …
Check out the feature written about RaiseTheMoney.com in Arkansas Money & Politics new February/March 2016 issue! Click here to see the article.
Today, for all the wrong reasons, American politics reached a milestone. Of course the event surrounds our favorite shock candidate. But there is nothing …
With Super PACs out there raising and spending millions in the name of democracy, what’s the value of the little guy, the micro donor, …