Political Fundraising During a Pandemic


A How-To Guide on Political Fundraising During a Pandemic

The coronavirus has essentially upended life as we know it. So much uncertainty lies in the future of the 2020 elections, and that makes it difficult to imagine a future beyond the next few weeks. CDC guidelines are prohibiting mass gatherings and are suggesting social distancing, which changes everything we thought we knew about political campaigning events. However, campaigning doesn’t stop just because of social distancing. And that means fundraising doesn’t stop. Fundraising during a pandemic is tricky, but not impossible.


Follow these tips below to ensure your campaign doesn’t suffer:

  1. Address the current situation. Send an email to your donors checking in and wishing them health and wellness in the upcoming months. It’s important to address the current situation, or else you may portray yourself as insensitive or out of touch. Let your supporters know that amidst the current situation, you are continuing to fight for them.
  2. Use Facebook Live to throw a Townhall. Facebook Live allows you to use your phone to broadcast real-time video to Facebook. You can see how many people are watching, and your viewers can leave reactions and comments on your video while you are streaming. They are also able to leave comments which you can see and respond to. This feature is invaluable because you are able to hear your constituent’s questions and concerns and address them one-on-one.
  3. Now more than ever, maximize your online presence. During this time of nationwide social distancing and teleworking, its incredibly important that you increase your presence on social media. Everyone is checking their phones constantly, and its important that your donors see content from you frequently. These posts don’t all have to be politically based; even simple “Stay Home” posts are enough to remain relevant. If your campaign isn’t already on social media, follow this link to learn how. 
  4. Send fundraising emails. Fundraising emails are one of the easiest and most efficient ways to raise money for your campaign. Again, your donors are most likely checking their phones much more frequently than normal. It’s important to have a fundraising email from you in their inbox when they do. Use MoneyMail to help write and schedule your own fundraising emails.


Political fundraising during a pandemic is uncharted territory, but follow the tips listed above to ensure your campaign isn’t left behind in the chaos! If you haven’t already, sign up for your free Raise The Money, Inc. account to maximize your campaign’s donations. We’ll verify your account in 24 hours so you can get started fundraising as soon as possible.